Snailbeach District News

The Snailbeach District News has gone into retirement or maybe just hibernation after 405 issues.

Begun in June 1987 by Jack Foley a teacher from Snailbeach, it has been in print ever since save for a few months during covid in which it appeared on-line only.

It was never easy to find a replacement editor as the job had always been done so well that expectations on the newbe were high. Joanne, Jude, Richard, David, Patrick and finally myself all wove their own threads into the tapestry but its essence has essentially remained unchanged; local news, events, local trades people and a pot pourriĀ of puzzles, quizzes, trivia and well worn jokes.

Below are links to our issues since we went trendy and online.

Feel free to contact me on any news of the SDN, its past or its uncertain future.

SDN 2024SDN 2023SDN 2022